Is Your Android TV as Secure as You Think It Is? Here’s a Super Simple Fix!
Having Android OS available on your TV is amazing right? So simple to access your favourite apps, games, movies, and music from the Google Play store on your big screen for epic entertainment. But are you safe? Is your TV safe from viruses, and abuse? Chances are, you may be part of the 90% of […]
Easily Save Money With The Best App for Grocery Shopping
I have the best app for grocery shopping to share with you. If you haven’t heard of Flipp, you should definitely drop everything and download it now (available both on Android and iOS.) There really isn’t an excuse to not use this free app that will help you get the best prices for the groceries […]
The Best Smartphone Accessories to Get the Most Out of Your Day
Your smartphone is your life, right? If you yelled out “Ya know it!” enthusiastically, your smartphone needs to be souped up with incredible accessories to get the best out of life, and eliminate that pesky FOMO. You probably know all there is on smart watches, portable chargers, and Bluetooth headphones, but there is so much […]
How to Style Up Your USB Cord Charger with Star Wars LEGO
How many charging cords do you have lying around? Do you sometimes lose them? Between four tablets, two netbooks, two smartphones, and a handful of portable USB chargers, Jay and I have quite a bit to keep powered up around our house. The numerous black cords have been known to coil menacingly like tiny, thin […]
How to Get Your Site’s Logo on Absolutely Everything with New Favicon Code
So, I’m not entirely sure when adding a favicon to your site was more than just adding <link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”/favicon.ico” type=”image/x-icon“> within the <head>, but boy have things changed! The hardest thing, even just a year ago, about loading the icon was getting your tiny 16px X 16px image to look anything remotely like your site’s logo, […]
Incredibly Ridiculous Facebook App Noises, and How To Get Rid of Them
So yesterday had me standing around a local crafts store (for TWO whole hours,) while the nephew Kit sat in a classroom and had fun making art. For the first half hour, I went around the store and made a wish list of pretty much their entire stock of everything, ’cause this geek loves to […]
Awesome App: Grabb Lunch Quickly in Toronto
Lunch hours can be a crazy thing, especially if you work in a fast-paced office in downtown Toronto. Before working as a Stay-at-Home-Entrepreneur, I did the Go Train mad-dash to and from Union Station, and it was always the beginning and end of the daily rush. I’ve been told that this rush and virtual strain to […]
5 Tips and Tricks for Your LG G2 Smartphone
Have you heard of the LG G2 smartphone? I’ll admit, I didn’t expect much when I had agreed to review it. I hadn’t heard much about its features, and honestly, how different can smartphones be these days? I’ve quickly come to the conclusion that I was wrong to dismiss it so easily, and am now […]
New Cancer-Fighting Game App Goes Global: Re-Mission 2 – Nanobot’s Revenge
An incredible game recently came through my inbox that I couldn’t wait to share with you, in hope that this info will be shared with those in need. Yep, as the title suggests, this is a game (smartphone/tablet app) that is supposed to help fight cancer. Granted, this game won’t cure cancer all on its […]