How many charging cords do you have lying around? Do you sometimes lose them? Between four tablets, two netbooks, two smartphones, and a handful of portable USB chargers, Jay and I have quite a bit to keep powered up around our house. The numerous black cords have been known to coil menacingly like tiny, thin snakes, sometimes falling down to the floor, and have easily uglified the corner we’ve occupied for most of our charging needs.ย  I felt it was time to have a little fun with these necessary bits of tech, so while they’re still functional, they’re easier to look at too.

Who doesn’t love a good (or bad) Star Wars/Android pun?ย  I’ll admit, despite the box stating that this kit is good for those ages 6-12, I had fun connecting the LEGO bits together to make the Storm Trooper ship and the Droidekas. I’m pretty sure I had a zen moment when tackling the tiny ship, piece by piece (and I swear these kits get kids ready for those days they’ll have to put together an IKEA bookshelf all by themselves.)

Here’s a few more action shots…

Use LEGO as a USB charge cord station.
LEGO my LG G2 ‘Droid!
Having way too much fun playing with my super troopers. :)
Having way too much fun playing with my super troopers. ๐Ÿ™‚
Achieve Zen by putting LEGO pieces together.
There was a kind of zen when putting all the pieces together.

So yeah, if you want the same level of fun that I’ve been having, here’s the kit I picked up earlier this week.
[easyazon_image align=”center” cart=”y” cloak=”y” height=”469″ identifier=”B00A850V92″ locale=”CA” localize=”y” nw=”y” nf=”y” src=”//” tag=”geewitsty-20″ width=”500″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00A850V92″ locale=”CA” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”geewitsty-20″ cart=”y” cloak=”y” localize=”y” popups=”n”]LEGO Star Wars Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas[/easyazon_link]

This little project got me wondering what other cool ways I could keep my charges all together and happy, and not ugly, so here’s a few items I pinned on Pinterest.

Follow Geek with Style’s board Smarter Than Your Phone on Pinterest.

Really love the idea of creating a charging drawer! That’s a project I’m going to talk to Jay about, ’cause we certainly have enough odd bits of tech to fill a drawer or two.

So, how are you handling your charging cords?