The Best Smartphone Accessories to Get the Most Out of Your Day

Your smartphone is your life, right? If you yelled out “Ya know it!” enthusiastically, your smartphone needs to be souped up with incredible accessories to get the best out of life, and eliminate that pesky FOMO. You probably know all there is on smart watches, portable chargers, and Bluetooth headphones, but there is so much […]

How to Style Up Your USB Cord Charger with Star Wars LEGO

How many charging cords do you have lying around? Do you sometimes lose them? Between four tablets, two netbooks, two smartphones, and a handful of portable USB chargers, Jay and I have quite a bit to keep powered up around our house. The numerous black cords have been known to coil menacingly like tiny, thin […]

Forget AA Batteries: Six Tips on Alternate Energy Sources to Use During a Blackout

My Twitter stream has been very verbal about Hurricane #Sandy – as it should be.  I wouldn’t expect anything les from the Internet’s top news source. Storm Timeline showing what to expect tonight in #Toronto as #Sandy rolls in. @globalnewsto… — Anthony Farnell (@AnthonyFarnell) October 29, 2012   Biggest question of the day: How […]

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