Easily Save Money With The Best App for Grocery Shopping
I have the best app for grocery shopping to share with you. If you haven’t heard of Flipp, you should definitely drop everything and download it now (available both on Android and iOS.) There really isn’t an excuse to not use this free app that will help you get the best prices for the groceries […]
Incredibly Ridiculous Facebook App Noises, and How To Get Rid of Them
So yesterday had me standing around a local crafts store (for TWO whole hours,) while the nephew Kit sat in a classroom and had fun making art. For the first half hour, I went around the store and made a wish list of pretty much their entire stock of everything, ’cause this geek loves to […]
Getting Ready for #BlogHer12 With The Most Necessary Thing: Starbucks App
The BlogHer 2012 conference is SO close! I have that kid waiting for Santa to finally arrive type of excitement going on, as I continue to check and recheck my calendar. It's like I need to keep confirming how much time I have to finish preparing for what has touted to be one of the […]
Really Cool Keyboard for Android Users: Siine
Okay, now this is really cool! I’ll be testing it out at tonight’s blogging meet up at @IndianRice Factory! It’s either going to be really helpful for quick tweets, or really aggravating, but won’t know until I try! 🙂 Imagine being able to type out quick tweets or text messages with a few button presses. […]