Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” finds space adventurer Peter Quill the object of a bounty hunt after stealing an orb coveted by a treacherous villain, but when Quill discovers the power it holds, he must find a way to rally the quartet of ragtag rivals hot on his trail to save the universe.
Have you seen Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy trailer yet? If not, you can find it below!
So… What do you think? The racoon (Rocket) and tree (Groot) have both thrown me out of comic plot lines so far, though not entirely sure why, as its not like these two creatures are the craziest of crazy superheroes out there. I mean, Marvel has a few comics (like Avengers 2012 #6) where the Universe is a sentient being (also known as Goddess) and is of course, on the Avengers side… *facepalm* As far as cray-cray goes, I don’t think these two are even contenders for the top ten, but for whatever reason, they’re still a little bit weird to me. *shrugs*
Considering the soundtrack (and how does one spell “Ooogah Chaka” anyway?), this movie is gonna be a hoot; and despite my lack of interest in Rocket now, it might just be the character that saves this movie for me. For one thing, my movie-boyfriend Bradley Cooper will be voice behind the fury bit of crazy, so…. woot! I’m curious to see how Groot is formed tho, ’cause there’s nothing more annoying for me than to read a page full of the word “Groot” as that character’s dialogue, since it seems to be the only word this character happens to know. Of all actors, Vin Diesel is going to be the voice of the big tree… so it will be interesting to see how many different ways he can turn the word “Groot” into both nouns and verbs.
This is Rocket and Groot… is it just me that finds them odd? 😉
I had no idea the guardians have been around since 1969, as I’ve just recently come across them while reading up a bunch of Avengers comics. Are you a fan?
Regardless if you’ve heard of the Guardians of the Galaxy before or not, this introductory movie will no doubt be as entertaining as the rest of the Marvel franchise. So mark your calendars now to keep an eye out for this movie’s release come August 1st, 2014!
If you want to keep updated on the film until then (heck, I still can’t wait for Captain America: Winter Soldier and that’s only a month away, let alone 6…,) you can get social with the movie on both Facebook and Twitter!
So yeah, if you can’t tell, I’m really looking forward to the next two movie installments of the Avengers… are there any upcoming movies that you’re really looking forward to?