Making Valentine’s Day Special with Help from HP (Day 5)

This is it! This is the last post for the HP ENVY X2 and Photosmart eAIO 7520 e-printer Valentine’s Day series!  In under 24 hours Rafflecopter will announce a winner.  So fantabulous!

And if that wasn’t big enough, Valentine’s Day is tomorrow!!  Are you ready??  Have you used any of the advice from the four previous articles?  We’ve got:

I’m loving the entries for the Best Love Song List Ever! 😀  Many of which I’m adding to my playlist (it’s awesome when you don’t have to pay for individual songs, YAY!)  So thank you guys and gals for the awesome suggestions!

Today, I will be taking the tablet along for a ride to the grocery store.  I don’t know about you, but I’m always second guessing on whether or not I’ve forgotten to add an ingredient to the shopping list when I’m making something entirely new.  Or better yet, do you ever walk into your local store and this light-bulb switches on of an entirely different entrée that would be really great to make… if only you knew what ingredients were needed.  So yeah, tablet is coming with!

I will also be making The Hubs a Valentine’s Card today that wasn’t shown on Day 2.  He’s seen those ones, lol.

Since we’re down to the wire, I’ll make this post simple and sweet.

And I’d like to wish you all an early HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!

Fresh Paint Valentine's Day Card: Big Hug

If this is the first post you’ve seen for this Valentine’s Day series, you have a chance to win the HP ENVY X2 laptop (that doubles as a tablet) AND eAIO 7520 Photosmart Printer! Complete the rafflecopter ballot box to enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This blog post has been compensated, but please rest assured that it in no way affects the information that I’m imparting to you. I want you to have the best that’s available out there, so you won’t ever find “lemons” from me.