Best Kept Secret of Toronto ComiCon – Sketch Duel Panels
Okay guys, I have discovered the best kept secret of Toronto ComiCon — the sketch duel panels. Back in 2018, I attended Toronto ComiCon for the first time. I had come into town mainly for Breakout Con (a super fun, super welcoming, tabletop gaming convention), but also wanted to spend time with my friend Aeryn (you know, the Aeryn, […]
New Comic Book Day: The Collector’s Edition
Welcome to the 8th week of #NewComicBookDay on Geek with Style, woot! Some people have #WordlessWednesdays, and then some of us have way too much to say. This week we’re celebrating The Collector’s Edition, as comic fans in and around the GTA get ready to play at Toronto Comicon this weekend! I cannot wait to […]
New Comics: Wed Mar 11, 2015, The Toronto Comicon Edition
A new week, a #NewComicBookDay woot! This week’s #PullList is a bit short (or maybe not? maybe?,) but that’s okay, ’cause I’ve got LOTS to talk about with Toronto Comicon coming up, which is less than two weeks from now! Have you got your tickets yet? Did you know kids under 12 are free with […]