Halloween ComicFest 2017! Get Free Spooky Comics for You and Your Kids to Read

Excited for Hallowe’en this year?? Well, I might have another way for you to enjoy all the fun of creepy, crawly, and ghouly. During the day of Saturday, October 28th, 2017, visit your local comic book shop and potentially collect 18 full-sized and 12 bite-sized comics for yourself and your kids! What’s not to love […]

DIY: How To Capture a Ghost

Do I believe in ghosts? I don’t know. Do you? I am balancing nicely on the fence of their maybe existence. On the one hand, it almost seems small-minded to believe there isn’t anything more than misinterpretation for such a common world-wide cultural phenomenon, especially since its already been established that we can’t see every […]

A True Ghost Story: The Mole Hill

This paranormal event first began in February 2002 on a Saturday, and isn’t readily apparent as a ghost story. I’m not sure what to call it, but it certainly spooked me enough to still be something I think about often, especially around this time of year, near fourteen years later. Up until this very moment, […]

Trick or Treat: Five Alternative Goodies To Hand Out To The Little Monsters

Thanks to food intolerances and allergies, or simple concern over how much sugar kids receive on Hallowe’en night each and every year, you may be considering alternative fun gifts to give your local trick-or-treaters. Its something I’ve always been conscious of, growing up with a sibling that couldn’t have any of the candy he collected (instead donating […]

That SWAT Hallowe’en Costume Looks Bad-ass, But What’s Missing Is a Skirt.

As part of the Get Spooky series, I had every intention of scouring the interwebs for the best costumes I could find for both kids and adults. I quickly realized though, all kids costumes are absolutely adorable. A kid could walk up in a garbage can, and I’ll probably squeal all over it and say, “Oooh, what an […]

A True Ghost Story: The Second Last Stop

Title image for my ghost story "The Second Last Stop", featuring a blurred man in a cowboy hat, walking away down a bleak road, with nothing else in sight.

As I mentioned in the first installment of the Get Spooky series, I have a couple personal ghost stories to share. These events are truly dear to me. Perhaps because of my love of science, I hold these experiences in high regard, because they are irrevocably unexplainable for me. Up until this point, I haven’t shared […]

Find Epic Haunted Ghost Tour Walks in Toronto

Boo! It’s October, which means everything gets spooky and freaky, and all kinds of creepy.  It may also be Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Small Business month, but I am all over Hallowe’en this year, and have put together a Get Spooky series just for you peeps! Welcome. To start this series off, here’s a […]

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