I want. Woke up this morning to an email from the Coach Factory Outlet that stated I had only one hour left (okay it said three, but it was sent two hours before I saw it) to pick up some awesome Coach bags, wallets, tablet cases, shoes, and rings, before their sale goes bye-bye. Unlike this “luxe” sale disaster that happened last month, this Coach Factory sale is amazeballs. Instead of trying to push “vintage” Coach bags from six years ago (seriously? Vintage should be at least two decades old, imho) onto unsuspecting wannabes at regular prices, a lot of these bags (directly from the source mind you) are available from the Spring 2012 collection, which may be as current as you’re gonna get for a sale.

Score +1 for Coach!

I fell in love with a lot of the collections, but I’d say these are my faves:

Despite this patchwork being a sale item, it’s absolutely current if you’re going for a nautical theme for your outfit.

Poppy Patchwork Hippie
Ashley Leather Duffle
Kristin Leather Woven Hobo
This one was a bit cheaper at the last sale I was invited to. Alas, still something to admire but not touch.

Kyra Floral Print Backpack
This one is my ultimate fave from this sale! It needs to be in my closet, like yesterday.

Soho Leather Hobo
And they even have rings! Ones that would even fit my chunky fingers!

Multi Charm Stack Rings
One of the things I love about these Coach sales is that they have a sense of exclusivity about them. You technically are not invited to all of their sales until they send you an email saying you’re welcome to join. So there may be a sale on that others have access to when I login, but nothing will show up for me. And while I tend to dislike the idea of excluding in most circumstances, in this case it means that everyone has at least one chance (per month probably given the amount of invites I receive) for first pick on their favourite handbags.

And the shipping for Canada isn’t too bad either. It’s not the best, but I’ve seen worse!

Not the worst shipping price I've seen.
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