You may remember my post on the great deals on skinny jeans at Old Navy until October 2nd last week, and I can’t tell you how pleased I am with its quick shipping, because my order arrived just in time for conference week!  Conferences are a funny animal when it comes to clothes.  Some people dress to the nines at these events, while a small few are still literally in their pyjamas for the group breakfast (kinda like what the cool res kids did at YorkU.)

Skinnies are on sale at Old Navy only until Oct 2nd!

I pack somewhere in the middle for conferences; I like to show a bit of style, but also a lot of comfort.  Plush carpeting can be really hard on the knees if you’ve got the wrong footwear (though that will never stop me from bringing at least one pair of heels, no matter how many times that’s backfired on my poor feet,) and conference halls are notorious for hot-cold-hot atmospheres. 

So in my luggage, I have my two fabulous pairs of skinnies from Old Navy for the more relaxed evening events and the “off” moments.

What do you think of these?

Country Wine, Coat Washed Skinnies from Old Navy. Quite possibly my favourite pair for the season!

Rocking with coat-washed jeans from Old Navy!

Tan Snake Skin Print Skinnies from Old Navy! Prints are in this season, and I love rocking them with this pleather top.

Rocking the printed jeans from Old Navy!

The fit on these skinnies really is well-cut, which means I’m rocking in style and am still in my comfort zone while doing so!.  I love how the coated-wash red skinnies almost have a leathery look and feel to them, while the creamy/tan snake printed skinnies just screams all kinds of FUN.

Check out the line of awesome and affordable skinnies at Old Navy!  Starting at only $19 it would be a shame to miss out on this deal, which is only lasting until October 2nd!  Get those tuxedo jeans for $19, and let me know about it so that I can be all jealous, lol.  Which pair is your fave??  I really wished I picked up the tuxedo jeans, because I’m truly loving the black line down the blue jean pant. That is all kinds of pretty and stylish and needs to be in my closet, like, now!

The truly best part of these pants though, is that they’re made well.  I’ll let you all in a little secret, because I’m thinking that a few of you may have the same fears as I did.  I go through jeans faster than a six year old sometimes, and not by choice.  If a jean isn’t made well for a plus sized thigh, the material will rip horizontally at the most inopportune moment right at under my bum. It drives me nuts, it’s quite embarrassing (especially if it happens while riding the TTC to an event… yep, that happened,) and it makes buying clothes even more expensive than it already is.

So yeah, I had my reservations on skinny jeans, because they’re meant to be tight, and I’ve had problems in the past with other brand jeans that were loose boyfriend/boot-cut.  Old Navy has allayed those fears though.  I’m now the proud owner of three pairs of skinny jeans from Old Navy, and not a single tear. They don’t even feel like they’re going to get too tight and tear at any moment either, probably because there is quite a bit of spandex in these jeans; they’re meant to stretch.  Bottom line, if you’ve had the same embarrassing moments like me, you don’t have to worry about that with Old Navy’s line.

Do you have clothing fears?  Let’s talk it out!