Is Your Android TV as Secure as You Think It Is? Here’s a Super Simple Fix!
Having Android OS available on your TV is amazing right? So simple to access your favourite apps, games, movies, and music from the Google Play store on your big screen for epic entertainment. But are you safe? Is your TV safe from viruses, and abuse? Chances are, you may be part of the 90% of […]
The Orville: Don’t Get Your Starfleet Issued Knickers in a Twist
There are two words that pop into my head whenever I think of Seth MacFarlane’s current space dramedy, The Orville. Ridiculously. Frustrating. It’s not Star Trek, but it is. It’s like The Orville is a Star Trek fan production that managed to sneak its way onto prime-time television. And with MacFarlane at the helm, you would […]