If it hasn’t become readily apparently recently, I love to read comics. Despite popular belief, it’s actually not something to grow out of (there are rating systems, much like what movies use, and there are many comics out there that aren’t suitable for kids at all.) There have been quite a few issues recently that have wowed me for various reasons, and I’ve been compelled to share. Check out why I’ve decided to run a giveaway on two of my more recent fave comics, and enter the form below for your chance to win some awesomeness!
Black Widow Realism
Part of my comic obsession/dedication is that, most of the time, I love the art. The plot/arc actually has to be spectacular for me to pic up a comic, if the art involved just doesn’t do it for me. And the opposite is true too. There is a current run of Black Widow comics, drawn by Phil Noto, that is simply phenomenal in its rendering. Gorgeous settings and dress appropriate for a female action/super hero. I love that this character isn’t designed as some busty babe who beats up bad guys with odd, awkward moves/angles. The illustrations have a more realistic approach, creating a well-rounded Black Widow with flaws/issues, employing a nowhere-from-easy code of honour, and happens to have an impeccable fashion sense for her career.

I also love complicated story lines. In the current Marvel comics world, one big plot can potentially span across a multitude of comic universes. In essence, a story concept that you’re reading in the Iron Man series, can also have tidbits in Wolverine or Loki. Its one big encompassing world that you get to explore.
Deadpool Doesn’t Fear Words Nor Wisdom
I think the main draw to comics for me though is the social commentary. Right now I’m reading Deadpool’s Art of War and its both hilarious and enlightening on what’s sadly become common business practices on every level. And though I’ve only read issue #1 so far (I’ll be reading #2 the moment I hit publish on this post,) I have a feeling that this series has more layers than an onion to pick through. With one big burst of irony, Deadpool quickly avenges the death of two concubines by killing Sun Tzu, by catching him unaware, then steals (to potentially sell the concept of,) the 13 Art of War chapters.
Then things get hairy when Deadpool starts making business sense.

Hawkeye Will Get Back Up Again
The Hawkeye/Hawkguy (2012-2014) series is quite creative, and I’ve really taken to issue #19 (one of the comics that I’m giving away below!) This particular issue is chockfull of awesome, highlighting various disadvantages and differing abilities that isn’t usually seen in mainstream media, without it becoming an after-school special.
Like, nonchalantly showcasing that a person requiring a wheelchair isn’t automatically helpless at everything.

Or how one-language-doesn’t-fit-all-yet, Marvel’s being all cutesy by making a play on words for “sign language”.

Challenging even the most avid comic readers to grasp a new language. Most of this issue is detailing Hawkeye as a deaf character, so a lot of sign language (American Sign Language, ASL) was researched and drawn to better illustrate his point of view. What was truly phenomenal about this issue though, was that there wasn’t a cheat-sheet to figure out what was being said if you weren’t familiar with ASL. Fans scrambled online to learn ASL from knowledgeable fellow readers so that they could fully appreciate the story.
Spiderman Raising Awareness
Another fabulous commentary on our interactions/manners while out and about in general society can be found in AXIS: Revolutions #1. In this story, the bad guy is psychically emoting hate to everyone across the globe, so that the general population feels the need to fight among one another. It’s up to Spiderman to reason with his fellow New Yorkers, in hopes of peace and understanding. If only we had a super villain to blame the way we tend to treat each other these days…

As I’ve mentioned, I love these books so much that I picked up an extra two copies to share with my Geek with Style readers! Fill out the contest form below for your chance to win a copy of either AXIS: Revolutions #1 or Hawkeye #19, complete with digital codes for online reading (which you can give to a friend if you wish to share the love!) Both are in great just-bought and packaged condition. For the comic collectors out there, I am totally not familiar with the intricacies of judging an issue’s condition, but I’d like to say they’re near mint? I purchased and brought them to a non-smoking home, complete with card board and cellophane baggy, nothing bent, and I did check to ensure that the Hawkeye #19 digital code sticker was intact.
Congratulations to Stacey D. and Andrea A!
50 Responses
My husband owns a small collection of comics. Mostly superman and spiderman, from like… 15 years ago.
I love comics! Been reading them for 25 years.
Wait, are you trying to say that comics aren’t just for kids?? What kind of crazy talk is this??
Ha. I mean, you know I’m already on your side of the fence. Though I will admit I’m not familiar with any of the books you highlighted above. I need to check out Hawkeye now, I love that whole sneaking ASL in there thing.
One of my all time favourite books is Elfquest.While I started reading it in gradeschool it is not a kids book. Behind the elves and wolves and fantasy trappings lies a complex multi generational story which at it’s heart is about family, loyalty and honour and friendship and more. And the good things. And the art is lovely. And it’s drawn by a woman, one who when she started to produce a comic in 1970 something pushed all the boundaries out of place. Elquest broke all the rules by being a successful self published comic book drawn by a woman. It changed the comic book industry. And I just love it. I’ve loved it since I was 9 years old. There is a new series currently coming out via Dark House, still drawn by Wendy Pini and written by her husband Richard, the team have maintained creative control all these years are are still going strong. If you’ve never read it I’d start at the beginning, you can pick up graphic novels. Or the entire thing is available free to read online at Elfquest.com.
Is Elfquest the comic you mentioned that time we were downtown? It sounds so awesome, I’ll have to check it out, thanks for the link! <3
My home is filled with my partner’s comic books. I’ve read a few graphic novels and I definitely enjoyed them when I was a kid. Although I don’t currently read any I appreciate the art form especially the illustration skills.
My fiance got me into comics. He collects and reviews them. Although, I have read a few when I was younger, I’ve grown to love them even more now.
I haven’t been reading comics recently but I used to read them a lot. Now my son is really interested in them and I do find myself looking at them again.
I have read comic books as a child and teenager but I have not read any of my adult life. My son is very much into the comic world and he and his wife went to Vegas for a conference where they were able to meet and visit with Stan Lee. My favourite hero when I was young was Superman.
I have always loved comic books, graphic novels and manga. Archie comics were the first ones I truly loved as a child and then it was the Xmen and it just kind of evolved from there. My favorite hero as a child was Rogue from Xmen.
I have always loved reading comic books probably because I grew up with 2 older brothers who loved comics. My favourite superhero has always been superman
I read comic books until about grade 8…I used to like the classics no heros really
I used to read superman
I read some comics when I was younger I liked the Marvel ones. I want to win this one for someone in the family.
My son loves comics
I was more of a MAD Magazine person. I love the Marvel movies. I should get to reading the comics that inspired them.
I have read a bunch of Superman comics in the past. He’s my favourite.
I liked Mad Magazine and Marvel comics. At the time I could not really relate to them but I find them much more interesting now.
Well I have every issue of star trek the next generation and alot of the original trek too as well as other paraphenalia lol Yes I am a nerd lol and now my oldest son is a comic book freak and has numerous collections . I have always loved comics so I cant imagine why anyone wouldnt like them and in this day and age anything that has kids reading is great too
Love your site and in depth reviews of comic style. Been an avid reader of comics since I can remember and have passed that onto one of my daughters (when she saw my comic collection)
I still read comics once in a while. More into graphic novels nowadays. I pick up volumes of the walking dead. This post didn’t change anything i love comics
I love to read comics! I’m more into graphic novels overall (e.g. Walking Dead), but comics are great too. I love Iron Man the most!
Yes I read comics when I was little…mostly Superman
I sometimes read. I like Black Widow. I also dig the Kill Shakespeare series. Just started Fables too.
I read some graphic novels. My favourites tend to be based on shows I watch such as Buffy or Fringe.
Even since my grade school days, I loved Thor in comics !
When I was little I used to read comics (Spiderman, X-Men and Hulk) My favourite has always been the X-Men Comics
I have read comics when I was younger…trying to get back into reading them again!
I love marvel comics. Would love to win one.
I grew up with a comic obsessed big brother so I’ve read a box or two of comics in my day! Love old Marvel comics the best!
Great post, love your take.
Grew up with Archie and Batman!
Grew up with Archie and Batman!
Nope. Don’t read them much anymore. The few I do read aren’t Marvel or DC (Hellboy In Hell, BPRD, etc.). Just grew out of them…
Thanks for the contest though…
I love comics
I do not usually read comic books, but I do love watching Marvel movies.
Thanks for the contest. I LOVE Hawkeye.
I did read my brothers comics as a kit, they had both Marvel and DC comics. And now I’m with a man who collects comics and enjoys all the movies and TV shows based on comic characters.
I read comics. Currently, The Walking Dead is my fav.
I keep meaning to get into that show, the comics look awesome! 🙂
The Walking Dead is my fav comic these days
Right now it is the Walking Dead comics, want to start reading some others more regularly. Havent read any since I was a kid
I love Y the last man, pride of Baghdad and Bone 🙂 My hubby reads a lot of Marvel comic books though, I just steal some of his.
My daughter is the comic reader around here, but she and I and her father watch all the Marvel movies together. She keeps me up to date on all the latest happenings in the Marvel world!
I love comics
I’ve loved comics ever since I was little, and I still avidly read them. My favorite hero is Batman, and my favorite comic book series is probably Sandman. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the Walking Dead! Love it a little more than the TV show!
I have a relatively small comic book collection from my days reading comics in the 90s. Superman has always been my favourite comic-book character.
I recently attended the Art Spiegelman exhibit at the AGO and I am thinking about exploring some of his work. I was blown away by how good it was.