You ever get that moment, where everything just clicks? Like, that time where you want an awesome (chocolatey) snack, and all the ingredients you need for an epic snack are in your pantry? You could practically just throw them all into a bowl with a spoon, and be super happy and not hungry in about fifteen minutes flat. I went all Dr. Frankenstein with both my fave and even some “experimental” ingredients in my kitchen and wound up with a few treats that taste very much like one of my absolute favourite store-bought holiday chocolates!

Next Time on Baking with TheSis…

I’m just waiting for TheSis to read this post, because she’s gonna laugh at me through her computer screen, then possibly get a bit grumpy for being in England last week, instead of hanging out with me, and playing with PB in the kitchen (yeah, okay, probs not.) But, then she’s gonna drive right over here and demand I help her make these balls and cubes of deliciousness (technical term,) just for her. We’re a family of spoon-eating peanut butter junkies, but I’ll admit she’s the reigning Queen of PB between the two of us. While I always love to try something new, she, without fail, clips all the recipes that include peanut butter as a main ingredient. It’s become a tradition to have at least three peanut butter based recipes tackled over the winter holidays.

I’m not sure if that’s because most peanut butter recipes are also no-bake (at least from our experience,) or if that’s just a truly-welcomed coincidence on her part.

Kraft Peanut Butter

The So Simple My 4 Year Old Nephew Could Make ‘Em Peanut Butter Snack Bites

Remember that mixing bowl from above? Take it and add:

  • 1 cup of large flaked oats,
  • ½ cup of any Kraft Peanut Butter you please (Kraft Peanut Butter with Chocolate all the way, baby,)
  • ¼ cup honey,
  • ¼ cup pecans,
  • and a mashed banana if that’s your thing.

Mix it all up, until it blends well.  Roll this treat into little 1-inch balls (or cubes if you’re adventurous,) and let them chill in your fridge for half an hour. Voila! You’ve got an easy treat that every PB fan will love. For something even extra-special, roll one third of your stash with a layer of shredded coconut, one third with graham cracker crumbs, and the final third with crushed chocolate chip cookie, yum!

Easy Peanut Butter Snack Bites Recipe #MyKPBsnackbite

And that’s it!

Want more?  Who doesn’t?!  Follow the hashtag #MyKPBsnackbite to join the conversation on Twitter and for more Peanut Butter Snack Bites recipes ideas visit!

And hey, create your own bit of delicious and share to win with Kraft Peanut Butter and sheblogs Canada!  Enter to win the Make It Yours Contest. By sharing a photo of your Peanut Butter Snack Bites recipe, you will be entered to win 1 of 4 Kraft Peanut Butter prize packs! How cool would that be??

If you need more inspiration, check back here tomorrow to discover my other favourite no-bake snack bite recipe!

What are your favourite ingredients are that go so well with peanut butter? Let me know in the comments below, and totally share if you’ve entered to win yet. Good luck! <3

Although this post has been generously sponsored by Kraft Canada, the opinions and language are my own, and in no way do they reflect Kraft Canada.