Have you heard of adult colouring books? There’s this idea that adults shouldn’t shy away from those colouring activities we loved to do when we were young, as a great way to relieve stress from our daily lives. There are a boat-load of truly beautiful zen and anti-stress free adult colouring sheets available online, and I decided to add a few more to the list as my gift to you awesome readers for Valentine’s Day. I big heart you guys!
Adult colouring is something that has really caught my attention recently and am entirely looking forward to picking up a fresh box of pencil crayons and printer ink refills to try my hand at this activity out soon. I’ve always loved art, which is why I’m so fascinated with comics these days, and perhaps with a little practice I can be even half as good as my mother, uncle, grandmother and great-mother are at painting someday.
Free Valentine’s Day Adult Colouring Printables
Without further ado, here are some free valentine’s day printables, made by me, just for you! Just click on the image(s) you’d like colour with, and a letter-sized PDF file will download to your computer to print at your leisure.
What’s Valentine’s Day without some hearts? Part of me feels like I’ve gone all overboard with the heart theme, but isn’t that what the Red Day is all about??
Which one do you like the most? I would welcome any and all feedback on these printables, as I enjoyed making them and am thinking of creating more adult colouring sheets in the future.
While I was shopping online for adult colouring supplies….
Did you know that metallic pencil crayons are a thing??
I had no clue, but I’m looking at getting a nice set of crayons to help me get into that zen state that adult colouring sheets are promising. I’m also thinking about getting the Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil set as a bunch of Prismacolor sets seem to be on sale at Amazon right now!
*blinks* I shouldn’t be surprised to see pencil crayons originally going for $99, but I’m kinda am…
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00006IEEV” locale=”CA” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”geewitsty-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”y” localize=”y” popups=”n”]Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil Set, 48/Tin (3598T)[/easyazon_link]
[easyazon_image align=”center” cart=”n” cloak=”y” height=”333″ identifier=”B00006IEEV” locale=”CA” localize=”y” nw=”y” nf=”y” src=”https://www.geeklife.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/51ir6HZ2B1dL.jpg” tag=”geewitsty-20″ width=”500″]
Have you picked up a pencil crayon lately? What’s do you think of “adult” colouring activities?
17 Responses
Love the metallic crayons! Ooo, la, la! I have books- I have yet to open them up. Sigh….
Nice! I can’t draw for anything, so coloring works for me. Love the Valentine design 🙂
I think I am still in the stage where I just have not found the time to colour. Aside from the odd moment I get down with Bella and help her in her Elmo colouring book. I am going to print some of these off and pack them in my bag as I will be on vacation in Mexico for Valentine’s Day! Maybe between drinks I can find a relaxing moment by the pool to colour.
I love coloring it’s such a great way to relax. These look like great sheets for coloring and perfect for the upcoming holiday.
I love adult coloring sheets!! They are the perfect way to relax, I love that they are making these geared towards adults now!
I love coloring in my adult coloring book while my daughter colors in hers. These are great coloring sheets for Valentine’s Day!
I love coloring. It is very relaxing.
I used to color in college, but I haven’t done it since. I am thinking I was ahead of the trend! 😉
I love coloring books! I will print these sheets. Thanks for sharing.
Wow- those are insanely expensive crayons! I love my coloring books. I wish I had more time to do them, but it’s pretty fun to sit down and color my books while the kids color their own!
I’ve had so much fun with adult coloring lately. Thanks for the fabulous holiday themed pages!
I just did a giveaway today for my facebook of an adult coloring book. people love those things!
YES!! My daughter really loves mandalas and finds them relaxing. I have given this a try myself because Hallmark sent a lovely set of pencil crayons and colouring book here. I can’t believe you made these yourself!! JEEZ!! You are multi-talented there lady! I like the third one the best. The first one is very cool but a bit too easy looking. I love the ones with pattern and detail. Seems like it takes a lot longer but that’s just my preference.
So yesterday my daughter bought herself some markers with her birthday money. I was admiring the pencil crayons. Did you know they come with erasers now?! Genius.
I love colouring! I always loved it as a kid but never had colouring books (my brother did though!!!). I got a book for free last fall and fell in love with it… great way to relax. And my girls love it when I get out my colouring stuff and colour with them. So my hubby has gotten me a few more books. 🙂 These look like fun printables – thanks for finding them!
Love the metallic crayons! and I’m so glad coloring is now socially acceptable! 🙂
Love these I can’t get enough of coloring books lately 🙂