So you know when your in-laws arrive to your home unannounced on a Friday afternoon and stick around for a few days?  Yeah, no… I’m so very glad I had just restocked my fridge and cupboards the day before that happened.  Don’t get me wrong, I love living with them whenever we have time to visit one another (my always full of energy, 3 year old nephew is hilarious, and is currently schooling me in the ways of Super Mario Bros on the Wii, I kid you not, he’s teaching me,) but a girl needs some notice so that she can clean/hide certain things before  her visitors show up at the front door.

Like her (my) rich, but never bitter Gevalia Keurig® Compatible coffee.  Mine, I tell you!

Seriously.  My mother-in-law, who I’ve only seen drink tea/chai on a daily basis for the past 15 years that I’ve known her, likes my Gevalia coffee.  Remember that part where I said I just went grocery shopping before the extended family had shown up? The stocking included replenishing my coffee stock with Gevalia  Keurig® compatible coffee pods, and now I only have two (out of 12 pods) left!

Gevalia Coffee Two Keurig Pods Left

Need to restock asap!

It’s a good thing there’s still a $1 coupon available for Maxwell House, Nabob and Gevalia Keurig®* Compatible brands, ’cause I’m going to have to head back out today to the grocery store to restock on my coffee.  I’m not leaving it to chance on the possibility of starting my day tomorrow without my favourite cup!

It was also a good thing that we had a few pods left of the new and delicious Kraft Keurig®* Compatible Pods from Maxwell House and Nabob brands for last weekend, or else I would have had to arm-wrestle my brother-in-law for the last cup of coffee on Sunday.

Hmm… also note to self, I need to pick up some cream ’cause I want to give iced coffee a try, now that days have a tendency to be either really hot or kinda cool.    I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ve seen iced coffee made in a  Keurig® simply by filling a mug/cup completely full of ice and then let the coffee brew like you normally would through a  Keurig®, and then tada! iced coffee.

Giveaway Time

So, I have some awesome news for those 10 lucky readers who won a Keurig®* Compatible Pod coffee prize pack on Geek with Style a couple weeks ago!  Those 10 folks have until this Thursday to comment below on how they enjoyed their super awesome prize of Maxwell, Nabob and Gevalia coffee for a chance to win the Grand Prize, a $50 Visa Gift Card!  Have you tried all three kinds yet?  Do you have a fave iced-coffee recipe to share?  Let us know how you enjoyed your coffee, and which of the three ended up being your fave.  I promise to still like you if you don’t choose Gevalia. More for me that way anyhow.

Here’s how you’re eligible to win!

  • Must have won and sampled the coffee awarded from Geek with Style’s first post on Keurig®* Compatible Pods.
  • Must leave at least 1 comment about the Keurig®* Compatible Pods you’ve sampled. You’re welcome to discuss all 3 flavours or simply share your favourite. Multiple comments does not equal multiple entries to win (one entry per person.)
  • Must provide first name and initial for last name (or first name initial, and full last name) originally used to enter the contest in the first blog post.
  • Must leave a comment by Thursday July 17, 2014 12pm EST.

Terms and Conditions

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Winner must leave at least 1 comment to be entered in the draw. Additional comments will not increase chances of winning. Winner will be randomly chosen. Winner must reside in Canada and be 18 years and over. Winners from my first blog post have until Thursday July 17, 2014, 12pm to post a comment. The winner will be contacted by sheblogs on July 18, 2014 by 5pm EST.

*Works with Keurig® K-Cup® brewing systems. Not compatible with Keurig Vue® coffee makers. Keurig®, Keurig Vue®, and K-Cup® are registered trademarks of Keurig, Incorporated. Keurig, Incorporated is not affiliated with Kraft Canada Inc.

Although this post has been generously sponsored by Kraft Canada, the opinions and language are all my own, and in no way do they reflect Kraft Canada.