In my family, I'm the Queen of Coupons. They roll their eyes at me whenever I have a new “Couponing Adventure” tale to tell. My Dad even scoffs and wonders where did this “Frugal” gene come from, because I certainly didn't get it from him or mom. If I had to blame it on a loved one, I'd have to say I got this need to save from my Nana (my dad's mother.) Even now I'm smiling as I remember standing by her desk as she would show me the same product found in two different catalogues and how they were priced different. She made me aware, and it's something I'll forever be grateful for.
Anyway, I just did something so on the fly. I wasn't planning on purchasing anything today, but I wound up picking up a dress, a pair of jeans, a top, and a short jacket, all for $56. I think the last nice top I purchased was roughly $40, so to get 4 items for just a bit more, plus the fact that it's going to be delivered to my door for FREE… well, I might just be a wee bit high right now.
Just a smidgen.
Wanna see the lovelies I just picked up?
For $56??
You can click on each image to go to the site if you want a closer look…
Thank you City Chic! I can't wait to try these babies on! 🙂
I did get a 30% discount for signing up for their newsletter (just look for the request near the bottom of the page.) And it was just that simple to get the discount code in seconds. All of these items were already on sale, so it was awesome to use an extra 30% off on top of these sale prices!
These items are being shipped from Australia, so it will take a while before I get to play with my new toys… but, I can't wait to try them on! 😀 And if I don't like them? City Chic has free returns too, so I'm not worried. Woot!