Welcome to our Comic Book Club review party! Do you have a comic book review that you want to share? Add your awesomeness to the linky below, ’cause I can’t wait to read it! The idea behind this book club, is that only one review per comic book will be linked below, and fellow fans/reviewers will be encouraged to visit your page to add their own opinion of the same book.

Comic Book Club Reviews

If you don’t see the “Add Your Link” button below, just hang tight for a second, it’ll pop up very soon!
[inlinkz_linkup id=536841 mode=1]

Rules for Comic Book Club participation.

  1. The first rule of Comic Book Club, is that we always talk about #ComicBookClub. Yep, went there.
  2. This Book Club is ongoing, and welcomes all review posts, regardless of their published date.
  3. This post is a hub to find review discussions for your favourite comic(s). If you find your comic already listed in the link up below, click on that link to discuss all things about that comic. Any duplicate entries, based on comic title, found in the linky will be deleted.
  4. If your review is added to the linky, include the Comic Book Club sticker to the bottom of your post to keep the club-love alive (and hopefully highly encourage others to join in the fun.)
    Join the Comic Book Club Review Party
    Just copy & paste this code to your post:
    <center><a href=”//geeklife.ca/comic-book-club-review-link-up/” target=”blank_”><img src=”//bit.ly/ComicBookClubSticker” alt=”Join the Comic Book Club Review Party” width=”300″ height=”287″ /></a></center>
  5. By adding your link for the review party, you agree to allow other participants to share their own review links for that same comic within the comments of your post (though if its just a link, and only a link, you’re welcome to delete with extreme prejudice.)
  6. Alternatively, if you have a review of a comic you’d like to share, but someone has beat you to the linky punch this week, click on their link to share your review with others that have also enjoyed (or vehemently disliked,) that same book. You MUST add a constructive comment based on the review and/or book, and not just the link to your review. “This book was awesome, here’s my link…” doesn’t work; “Great point about that out-dated pun! I loved that they finally brought Wolverine back from the dead, but what’s with the hello-kitty inspired uniform? I wrote my own reveiw here….” is better.
  7. If you have any ideas on how to make this party better, give me a shout here or by email.

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