The evil Haka’ar has stolen the Scepter of Se’payu containing the Red Jewel of Jumanji! You and your companions must enter the game, take on the form of its heroes and stop Haka’ar from remaking the world into his own! Only you can save Jumanji!
Thanks to The Rec Room, Jay and I got to play Jumanji along with my sister and our cousin during their media preview.
A few years ago, when I played the first VOID game, Ghostbusters, along with Deanna of Maple Leaf Mommy, I emphatically called it a religious experience.
With five VOID VR games under my belt, I have to say that Jumanji: Reverse the Curse is the best game yet.
These games keep getting better and better as the developers smash through story-telling limitations, and develop a breath-taking four-dimension reality.
How to Play Jumanji: Reverse the Curse
While you could play this as a two-player game, you truly need four players to get the full effect of the Jumanji VR expereince.
I found out last night that neither my sister, nor our cousin had seen the more recent Jumanji movie, and part II is coming out this December 13th! Check out the latest trailer:
Imagine jumping into a death-defying gaming world as Dr. Smolder Bravestone (Dwayne Johnson), Professor Shelly Oberon (Jack Black), “Mouse” Finbar (Kevin Hart), or Ruby Roundhouse (Karen Gillan).
Thanks to Sony Pictures and The VOID, playing the game yourself is now a reality!

At the VOID you don’t get to choose which character you will be, it’s all part of the fun to land into your character randomly.
Just like the movie though, each character has a set of strengths and weaknesses. You will have specialties that only you can master to move the game forward.
Pulled into the perils of Jumanji, players face challenges just like those that the avatars face in the movie – evading man-eating wildlife, navigating across treacherous landscape, battling evil henchmen – to survive and return to real life.
Sony Pictures
I wound up as Ruby Roundhouse – and had no clue on how to dance fight, but punching bad guys in the face was a highlight for me – it still brings a smile to my face when I think back to knocking out a bad guy with my bare hands.
And, what an epic workout! I’ll admit to working up a bit of a sweat while punching the air, but it was so much fun!
Conceivably, you could play this game four times and have a completely different experience every time.
Just like any video game, you’re given lives. Three lives that you can lose.
My jaw dropped when I saw my sister’s avatar get dragged away to be eaten by the jungle’s wildlife.
I mean, the logical part of my brain knew that my sister was completely fine, standing about a foot in front of me in the real world, but in the virtual world she was unceremoniously picked up by particularly sharp teeth and carried far away to a part of the forest I didn’t have a hope to follow.
My response was to shakily question, “Well sh*t, what do we do now?!”
That was her first life lost, so her avatar dropped back into the game in a matter of seconds, which was all kinds of awesome to watch as well.
If there was any advice I could give for optimal game play it would be this:
- Keep your eyes open. Take in the game as much as you can, ’cause if you try to rush through to the end, you just might miss a key point of the game.
- Work together. This game is all about team-work, so don’t try to be the hero all the time.
- Have fun. It’s just under 15 minutes long, so make all the minutes count!