Five Ways the WordPress Gutenberg Editor Will Make Your Blogging Business Life Easier
If you’ve updated your WordPress blog to 4.9.8 recently, you will find a new option that, for better or worse, will absolutely change the way you manage your blog post structure. Depending on what newsletters, Flipboards and/or Twitter accounts you subscribe to, you might have heard lately that WordPress is doing a serious update to the […]
10 Ways to Improve Your WordPress Blog In 30 Minutes
Our websites are ever-changing virtual extensions of ourselves. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all the ways you can make your blog easier to find through Google Search, or we might forget how to make it easy for our users to navigate to our latest list of posts. With those basic needs in mind, […]
New Blogger WordPress Plugin: Sponsorship Disclaimer
Do you ever get an idea stuck in your head and you absolutely can’t do anything else until its finished? Late last night I had decided I would create a new plugin, one that will help bloggers, like myself, to remember to add a disclaimer when publishing a sponsored post. We need to show transparency in our […]
Tips to Keeping Your Blog and Online Self Secure
If you’re here as part of the Summer Biannual Blogathon Bash for 2013, welcome! (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can check out the bash here!) I hopefully have three interesting posts for you to view and work with, and some fun mini challenges to boot! You can join in at […]