That SWAT Hallowe’en Costume Looks Bad-ass, But What’s Missing Is a Skirt.

As part of the Get Spooky series, I had every intention of scouring the interwebs for the best costumes I could find for both kids and adults. I quickly realized though, all kids costumes are absolutely adorable. A kid could walk up in a garbage can, and I’ll probably squeal all over it and say, “Oooh, what an […]

#NewComicBookDay: The Annual Edition

Welcome to the TENTH edition of #NewComicBookDay on Geek with Style! I don’t think I’ve written a blog series so religiously before, go me. DC has a multitude of annual comics published this week (slow month for other series maybe?) I’ve only collected a small handful of annuals from Marvel and DC, but I’ll admit […]

New Comics Released: Wed Feb 25, 2015, The Joker Edition

I almost called this one the Spider-Gwen edition, ’cause hello Gwen as a spidey hero.  I’ll admit I didn’t like Gwen so much in the most recent Spider-Man movie, but she had such a huge impact on Peter Parker/Spider-Man in past comics as being his first love, and ultimately was another loved one that he […]

New Comics Released: Wed Feb 18, 2015, The Robin Who? Edition

Another Wednesday, means another set of comic releases from Marvel and DC, woot! This week has a couple of series that I’m looking forward to catching up on including Black Widow #15 (the varient cover featuring a happy Black Widow and Hawkeye looks awesome,) and Loki: Agent of Asgard. Yay for quasi-good Loki! There are […]

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Technology. Collectibles. Travel.