Instagram Could Be Publicly Sharing Where You Live

I’ve thought very hard about writing this post. On the one hand, you all need to know that you must check your Instagram now and make sure you’re not sharing your house address with anyone who knows how to read a map. On the other hand, I don’t want to share how disgustingly easy it […]

4 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe While Using Free Wifi Hotspots

So, I’m starting a list of Free WiFi hotspots in Toronto, particularly in downtown, but there will be some locations listed that are much more east or west of Yonge Street.  For whatever reason, 4G and LTE data plans are becoming more expensive these days rather than less, and now that I’ve recently become the […]

Traveling Over the Border for #BlogHer13: When Band-Aids Aren’t Enough

This post is brought to you by Insurance Hunter. All opinions are 100% my own. Okay, so I have most of my travel plans put together for my trip to Chicago for the BlogHer 2013 conference, except for one really important thing.  There is one crucial item on my list that I have yet to […]

As Seen In

Technology. Collectibles. Travel.