St. Pete’s Beach: Full of Sun, Sand and Famous Art
For a week, near the end of October, four of us went on a wild road-trip across Florida. Our destinations included Jacksonville, St. Augustine and St. Pete’s Beach & Clearwater. Thanks to the trials and tribulations of flying by air, we missed a day of our trip to St. Pete’s, which was tough, but we handled […]
Girls Getaway Road Trip Visit to St. Augustine, Florida
St. Augustine is a magical place to visit. The history, the architecture, the food, the weather. It’s all gorgeous! The Epic Roadtrip with Friends St. Augustine was the final destination during the epic, whirl-wind road trip I went on with Margarita, Paula, and Sandy. I swear there was this weird frisson of excitement that rippled through […]
The Geek Travel Guidebook to Melbourne, Florida
Who knew you could do a lot in Melbourne Florida in roughly 24 hours?? I was invited as part of a rather large press trip to visit Melbourne through their Orlando Melbourne International Airport (currently undergoing renovations to be all kinds of spiffy by December.) Porter has seasonal non-stop flights there from Windsor, Toronto and […]
Geeks Are Taking Over Calgary By Stormtroopers
I’m so entirely excited for my upcoming #GeekTravel trip to Calgary, Alberta, I can hardly contain myself! Honestly, fit to burst. Next weekend (April 27th to 30th,) Calgary is hosting its 12th annual Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo and I’ve got tickets to go, yeehaw! I hadn’t realized until I was invited to attend the […]