Finally, The Joker Will Have His Spotlight

With incredibly big clown shoes to fill, Joaquin Phoenix is front and centre this fall in a portrayal that explores exactly how Gotham becomes home to one of the creepiest villains in comic book history. While many still mourn for Heath Ledger and his awe-inspiring portrayal of the Joker in Batman’s The Dark Knight (2008), […]

#NewComicBookDay: The Is He Dead-Dead? Deadpool Edition

So… turns out Deadpool dies today. *sob* The merc with a mouth is easily one of my favourite characters, and not just because he’s Canadian (possibly even a fellow Torontonian, I still need to go search that out,) but the dude is funny. Sure, I love reading suspense-filled mysteries, but this girl’s gotta laugh, and […]

#NewComicBookDay: The Annual Edition

Welcome to the TENTH edition of #NewComicBookDay on Geek with Style! I don’t think I’ve written a blog series so religiously before, go me. DC has a multitude of annual comics published this week (slow month for other series maybe?) I’ve only collected a small handful of annuals from Marvel and DC, but I’ll admit […]

New Comic Book Day: the Hungover Edition, March 25 2015

Welcome to another edition of #NewComicBookDay on Geek with Style! This would be the “Hungover Edition”, ’cause that’s how I still feel even today, after Comicon Toronto. It was an absolute blast! Great costumes from a multitude of fandoms, one dude was even dressed as a jar of Nutella, which was definitely a first for […]

New Comic Book Day: The Collector’s Edition

Welcome to the 8th week of #NewComicBookDay on Geek with Style, woot! Some people have #WordlessWednesdays, and then some of us have way too much to say. This week we’re celebrating The Collector’s Edition, as comic fans in and around the GTA get ready to play at Toronto Comicon this weekend! I cannot wait to […]

New Comics: Wed Mar 11, 2015, The Toronto Comicon Edition

A new week, a #NewComicBookDay woot! This week’s #PullList is a bit short (or maybe not? maybe?,) but that’s okay, ’cause I’ve got LOTS to talk about with Toronto Comicon coming up, which is less than two weeks from now! Have you got your tickets yet? Did you know kids under 12 are free with […]

New Comics Released: Wed Mar 4, 2015, The Blank Cover Edition

A new Wednesday, a #NewComicBookDay WOOT! I learned something awesome about certain comic covers this week! I’ve been entirely curious over the blank covers that seem to be running a little more rampant these days, at least for the Marvel universe (I’m not sure if DC does the same thing.) For the life of me, […]

New Comics Released: Wed Feb 25, 2015, The Joker Edition

I almost called this one the Spider-Gwen edition, ’cause hello Gwen as a spidey hero.  I’ll admit I didn’t like Gwen so much in the most recent Spider-Man movie, but she had such a huge impact on Peter Parker/Spider-Man in past comics as being his first love, and ultimately was another loved one that he […]

New Comics Released: Wed Feb 18, 2015, The Robin Who? Edition

Another Wednesday, means another set of comic releases from Marvel and DC, woot! This week has a couple of series that I’m looking forward to catching up on including Black Widow #15 (the varient cover featuring a happy Black Widow and Hawkeye looks awesome,) and Loki: Agent of Asgard. Yay for quasi-good Loki! There are […]

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