Avengers Endgame Survival Guide
Are you all set to see Avengers Endgame? Marvel continues to send out teaser trailers on Twitter, ramping up the excitement, the anxiety of what will happen to a whole slew of superheroes that we’ve grown to admire over the past 10 years. The MCU could be your longest relationship. We’re a mere few weeks […]
Avengers Infinity War’s Easter Eggs and Things You Might Have Missed That Will Make You Want to Watch It Again
Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War was released on Blu-Ray DVD earlier this week, and with that in mind, here are some points you might have missed through the first (or third) watch of the movie. Be aware, if you’re one of the few who have yet to see Avengers: Infinity War, there are A WHOLE BUNCH […]
Avengers: Infinity War Movie Review: The I’m in Impossible
I can tell you right now that the bottom line of this review is, “GO. Go see Avengers: Infinity War on April 27.” The bigger question is whether you’ll go see Infinity War more than once in a matter of a week’s time. If you know you’re the type of movie-goer that will watch your […]
An Infinity War Sc’AVENGER Hunt In 10 Canadian Cities
In celebration of Avengers: Infinity War, in theatres April 27, Marvel Studios Canada is calling on Canadians to find 10 Avengers that have popped up across the country! Through a series of clues or sightings over April 20 -22nd, participants are tasked to find and comment on which Avenger is tied to their city on Marvel Canada’s […]
Quick Look into Captain America: Civil War
I’m ready to head out again to watch Avengers: Age of Ultron for a second time, it was such a great movie to watch, and an epic addition to the world of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe (MCU). There is quite a bit about the MCU that is hard to reconcile with comic plots, so I’ve just […]
#NewComicBookDay: The Annual Edition
Welcome to the TENTH edition of #NewComicBookDay on Geek with Style! I don’t think I’ve written a blog series so religiously before, go me. DC has a multitude of annual comics published this week (slow month for other series maybe?) I’ve only collected a small handful of annuals from Marvel and DC, but I’ll admit […]
New Comics: Wed Mar 11, 2015, The Toronto Comicon Edition
A new week, a #NewComicBookDay woot! This week’s #PullList is a bit short (or maybe not? maybe?,) but that’s okay, ’cause I’ve got LOTS to talk about with Toronto Comicon coming up, which is less than two weeks from now! Have you got your tickets yet? Did you know kids under 12 are free with […]
New Comics Released: Wed Mar 4, 2015, The Blank Cover Edition
A new Wednesday, a #NewComicBookDay WOOT! I learned something awesome about certain comic covers this week! I’ve been entirely curious over the blank covers that seem to be running a little more rampant these days, at least for the Marvel universe (I’m not sure if DC does the same thing.) For the life of me, […]
New Comics Released: Wed Feb 4, 2015, The Holy Hawkguy Edition
Welcome to Geek with Style’s 2nd edition of Marvel & DC Comics releases for Wednesday February 4, 2015 (woot, two weeks in a row, whut!) If you have any Marvel comic fans in your life, you might catch them openly weeping as they finally grasp the comic-book-that-couldn’t today. Twenty comics into this series, ending with […]