A Lifestyle #GeekGirl from Toronto/The6.
Technophile, Pop Culture & Travel Blogger.
Passionate about teaching web development,
and collecting all things Deadpool.
Geek Life (previously “Geek with Style”) was born out of a want to share with you some things that make me happy, in hopes that it’ll inspire happy thoughts for you too!
I’m a Geek, through and through, and this site is all about celebrating the lifestyle of a geek.
I’ve been online since 1996. To think it’s been more than 20 years since that first time I created an email address is mind-boggling.
Remember Neopets? Oh, mah gerd, they’re kinda still around! I had to feed my three digital pet Lupes in between classes at YorkU, heh.
I BIG HEARTS LOVE technology.
I come from a family of engineers and entrepreneurs. One of my earliest memories of playing with tech is sitting in my mother’s office, at the family’s Industrial Monitor Distribution and Repair shop, typing random keys on her Commodore 64, simply to watch these bright green symbols show up on a dark screen.
For the next few years, I’d sit in that chair on the weekends to finish homework in DOS, and then I’d go into the warehouse to inventory the tiniest bits and bobs of replacement parts, as busy-work for Grandma and Grandpa.
I made my first cheque at the age of 7, as a “contractor”, at that shop. A whole $5, with my name on it for counting through their widget stock.
Since then, I’ve ooohed & ahhhed over, dismantled and repaired all kinds of tech.
I’m eager to live within a smart-world and love every step it’s taking to get there.
Live Long and Kree!
My first foray into the world of science fiction was sitting beside my dad to watch Star Trek, The Next Generation when I was seven. It was an instant hit for me and became the basis of the kind of shows I’d watch from there on out.

I’d never seen a single episode of Ally McBeal in my life. I understand there was a dancing baby? Never really figured that one out, but boy did I act like I did while in high school. I already looked like a geek with my huge glasses, and ugly clothes that screamed grandmother (there was no such thing as “fashion” for plus-sized girls back then.) I was convinced that if I acted like one too, I’d have fewer friends than I did.
Dawson’s Creek? Nope. Though did you see James Van Der Beek in that Power/Rangers short fan film??
What little I saw of Gilmore Girls, I totally enjoyed, but if it was that or Star Trek, Enterprise, I was hands down watching human’s initial interactions with aliens, every single time. Our TV was more oft than not set to channel 50 for the Space Channel and all its glorious sci-fi TV shows.
Exploration doesn’t end at the closest TV or movie theatre.
I’m eager to find boutique hotels with awe-inspiring charm, and destinations that aren’t easily found in a travel brochure.
A Geek Lifestyle blogger is a Geek on the move.
Love exploring what every town and city has to offer nerdy travelers including unique architecture and historically significant locations (all the castles for this Geek. All. Of. Them.), sightseeing natural wonders, and discovering seemingly fantastical stories behind every brick.
Will hit up all of the comic book shops, comic cons, and pop culture venues in every town.
Find the best unique cafes, especially those encouraging their patrons to pull up a comfy chair to read and write.
Discover what makes each city truly unique.
On The Bucket List
One day soon I will go through the Diefenbunker. The world’s largest escape room, that is also a Cold War Museum. Find yourself, along with 11 others, attempting to spend the night at the museum by hiding out until the doors are locked. It doesn’t sound so bad until you discover the museum is a front for an enemy spy organization! You have 60 minutes to warn the outside world of an imminent attack and escape!

Ever heard of the Winchester House? If your first thought at the name “Winchester” was either the rifle or even the show Supernatural, you’re not far off base.
This mansion was built in San Jose, California, literally day in, and day out, thanks to the spirits that haunted Mrs. Sarah Winchester.
I hear there is a movie coming out sometime this year too!
And castles. All the castles.
Living Geek can still be tough, particularly if you identify as part of the female gender. I was honestly asked not too long ago (November 2016) at an event, “Is being a Geek okay now?” The question was tinged with derision as if I must be crazy to want this.
But the answer is resoundingly a YES. Yes, very much yes. It’s getting better.
There are gamer cafes, and stores with pop-culture tees. Comic book stores are more abundant, and some even have female staff. There still seems to be a huge gap of women attendees at tech conferences like WordCamp, but it’s refreshing to see a much tinier difference at fan expos.
And I love my city, Toronto. You can live here, three full lives over, and still not experience all that this city has to offer.
Keep In Touch
Would you like to contact me for an upcoming PR project? Reach out to hi@geeklife.ca and I’ll be in touch as soon as possible.